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What is a dieta of master plants and what is it for?

Traditionally, dietas were undertaken exclusively for the training and learning process of future indigenous doctors or shamans, and they were very lengthy. Dietas are considered to be most efficient and powerful method of personal healing, initiation and apprenticeship by the healers and masters of the Amazon.

Shorter dietas are perfectly suited for self-healing and re-connection to oneself. A dieta is a space for recollection, introspection, reflection and rest, where master plants are ingested (without psychoactive effects) that regenerate very deep self-knowledge and self-healing processes specific to each person’s condition and constitution.

There are plants that cleanse from substances and toxic experiences, plants that heal, protective plants, and plants intended exclusively for the training of shamans.

What happens during a Dieta?

Dietas begin with a preparatory cleansing, also called a purge, to unblock the energetic system. Next, a personal interview is carried out, and usually at least two Ayahuasca ceremonies take place before the dieta begins. After the ceremonies, the participants enter into the dieta with their specific master plant, where they will be in silence and isolation with basic, natural and specific food (without salt or sugar). At the end of the dieta, two ceremonies are celebrated as well as personal interviews.


The minimum time for a dieta is 7 days. The duration depends on the plants prescribed and the problem to be resolved. It takes place in an isolated cabin in the forest called «tambo». One does not have contact with anybody during the dieta, except with the shaman or the person who brings the food.


The choice of plant is personalized for each case. The order in which plants are taken in a dieta is very important in our center and must correspond to the personal process of each individual.


The objective is to cause a deep purification at all levels to eliminate the aspects that are blocking the person, to stimulate the dreaming capacity and to enhance the work of internalization.

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