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Practices of Traditional Peruvian Medicine

Practices of Traditional Peruvian Medicine

Conference at the University of California

Conference given by the psychologist and specialist in shamanism Pío Vucetich Nuñez del Prado at the University of California, UCI. Medicine School. Sponsored by the Office for Equal Opportunities and Diversity.

Last week, Pio Vucetich Nuñez del Prado was invited by the Faculty of Medicine to give a conference on Ancestral Peruvian Medicine at Irvine University of California.
Talking about how to recuperate health balance, he described the importance of restoring the relationship with ancestors and spiritual health, so that the person is «grounded» and able to overcome the chaos between his or her past, present and future.
Dr. Pio considers that the future of medicine involves a complementary relationship between ancient and allopathic medicine. Western medicine has allowed for significant scientific advance, techniques of diagnosis and very valuable treatments. However, it has forgotten the integrity of the human being and does not consider the specific cause of how the person has become ill, including physical, psychological, energetic and spiritual factors. He described that it was inhumane to provide cancer patients with very advanced treatments without addressing the fear of death.
He described addictions as spiritual diseases that express a void in the meaning of life. Treatment involves unlocking energies, using plants, nutrition, massages, pilgrimages and contact with nature.
When he was asked about «the reason of the low acceptance by professionals of this medical tradition», he referred to the historic attitude of intolerance towards different cultures during the conquest, especially toward those who were defeated: «It is an indigenous medicine» and «it belongs to the defeated.» He invited doctors and psychologists to do research on these medical practices, and to discover the scientific value behind techniques that have given positive results for millennia.
Thus, in the treatment of severe addictions, the healing results exceed 70% with treatments of Peruvian ancestral medicine, and they did not even reach 40% with western medicine.


The event was aimed at doctors, psychiatrists and medical students from the aforementioned University. The Ambassador Liliana Cino, Consul General of Peru in the city of Los Angeles and the Vice-Consul Iván Solari were present at the conference.

In the photo: Ambassador Liliana Cino, Vice-Consul Yvan Solari, with professors and Vice-Dean of the Faculty of Irvine Medicine, and visiting professor Pío Vucetich Nuñez del Prado, Rocio Zumaeta MA and Dr. Ralph Kuon at the end of the Ancestral Medicinal Conference of Peru.


We want to thank the Peruvian American Medical Society for their support and the wide circulation of the Ancestral Medicine of Peru and especially to Rocío Zumaeta for her great organizational work. And also to the Irvine University of California for its invitation. We congratulate ourselves on these initiatives that help this Medicine to be widely known.

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