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The Project

At Sacha Q’ente, we help people to heal and develop their potential through the integration of time-honored therapies and medicinal plants of Traditional Andean-Amazonian Medicine (MTAAZ) with spirituality and modern psychology.



Means Hummingbird in Quechua.

During one of our first visits to the land that is now Sacha Q’ente, a hummingbird appeared unexpectedly behind us. In the Peruvian Amazon, seeing a hummingbird is considered an exceptional sign, one that represents wisdom and good luck. The hummingbird is also considered one of the totem animals of the Andean-Amazonian cosmovision, representing the energies of spiritual elevation and essence.

Sacha Q’ente is a project founded in 2014 by Dr. Pio Vucetich Nuñez del Prado, with the goal of offering Traditional Andean-Amazonian medicine in service to the community.

The project is being developed through 3 modes of action:

…In which therapeutic programs are developed for holistic care of physical, mental, emotional and spiritual health by employing ancient healing protocols and modern psychology.

…Of the Peruvian Amazon jungle, where we work towards the reforestation of medicinal and native species and the regeneration of the amazonian ecosystem, devastated by uncontrolled deforestation.

…To recuperate, develop, value and share the ancestral knowledge and wisdom of the Andean-Amazonian medicinal traditions.

Where are We?

Sacha Q’ente is located in a privileged region, at the foot of the mountain, Apu Cañawayna, and in the buffer zone of the Manu National Park of Peru, in an area located between the Amazon jungle and the cloud forest of the Cusco region.

Our center is 200km from the city of Cusco.

Pio Vucetich Nuñez del Prado

Raised in a family respectful of cultural traditions, Dr. Pio Vucetich Nuñez del Prado learned to speak and think in Quechua and Spanish. He also learned from a young age to feel the Apus of the region, the sacred ancestral mountains and elder brothers in the Andean worldview. These include Apu Ausangate, Apuccañac Huayna, Pachatusan and Huanacauri.

Since childhood, he participated in the spiritual festivities of the Mamacha (Virgin) of Carmen, the Lord of Qoyllor’ity and the Lord of Huanca, and took part in ritual dances and pilgrimages, as well as in ritual ceremonies with the Huatoc and the Pacos (Andean seers and healers). Later, he was integrated into the rituals of the Andean and Amazonian shamans, called Runamishas, Animishas and Hunayas, respectively, in the area.

Pio completed his professional studies at the National University of La Plata, Argentina, where he graduated as a Clinical Psychologist in 1980, and later as a Psychoanalytic Psychotherapist in 1983.  

At that time, he worked in Peru as a Psychotherapist and Psychohygienist in private practice while simultaneously collaborating with social organizations and peripheral urban communities.

In 1987, he reaffirmed his ancestral roots and spiritual identity by resuming his path in Andean-Amazonian shamanism. He extended his training in the medical-shamanic-Amazonian tradition of the Ucayali River, with Shipibo indigenous teachers. After his training, he is baptized with the shamanic name of Neten soi, «he who makes dawn».

Later, he continued his shamanic training and development in the Amazonian tradition of the San Antonio de Cumbaza River, with indigenous teachers from Lamas.

Since 1993 he has been working on the formation of a multidisciplinary team to develop the medicine of the future, one that integrates modern Medicine and Psychotherapy with the Andean-Amazonian Ancestral Medicine and Shamanism. In this way, non-indigenous people can come to understand and access the experience of expansion of consciousness, taking full advantage of the therapeutic possibilities of the master plants, without altering the ancestral protocols.

Pío Vucetich Nuñez del Prado, as Chaka Runa, «human bridge», is the founder of Sacha Q’ente, his life project, through which he offers this new medicine for the service of humanity.

Integration with the Community

Sacha Q’ente hopes to contribute to the well-being of our neighboring communities through the following initiatives:

Our Team


Pio Vucetich

Founder, Therapist, Shaman


Edith Vucetich

Treasurer, General Support


Karina Chino

Secretary, national coordination and organization, logistics


Verena Wüstinger

International organization and general coordination, multimedia


Sra. Rosa

Supervisor, Retreat and Dieta team


Lucia Baltazar

Team member, Retreats and Dietas


María Luz

Team member, Retreats and diets

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