About Traditional Medicine
Traditional Medicine, or Ancestral Medicine, is an ancient concept, preserved nowadays only by the native tribes and remains unknown, or rather forgotten, by modern society.
In Traditional Medicine, disease is a disorder, a chaos, an imbalance with one’s self, with others and with nature. The role of the shaman/traditional doctor is to help the patient re-establish that order.
In ancient Peru the cosmic order was organized from a quadripartite perspective. To ensure health and to relate to the external world, each person had to be in harmony with this order.
The master plants used in Traditional Medicine function on energetic levels. They help us to understand the origins of our emotional, mental and spiritual blocks, and how to get rid of them.
As diseases manifest within the body, the body acts as a diagnostic tool to help us identify the possible causes on the energy level. Once we remove the disorder, the symptoms of the physical body begin to disappear.
In a short time, it is possible to eliminate common present-day diseases, such as sadness, fear, guilt, anger, vices, etc. Returning vital energy and happiness to the life of the individual.
Obviously nowadays there are diseases of the physical body that are the result of inadequate rhythm and lifestyle, along with a poor diet.
Traditional Andean-Amazonian Medicine is unique and individual, always personalized, adapted to the needs and priorities of each moment. For example, two people with the same symptoms might be treated completely differently, to re-establish order and health.